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Io-star sanitizer
SKU : Not Available

Io-star sanitizer

Categories : Beer, Beer Additives, Kegging.

$4.95 - $19.99

A low-foaming iodine wash. Perfect for pump or spray applications where foaming is not desired. Treat surface-clean equipment with a solution of 1 oz. Io Star per 5 gallons cold or lukewarm water (provides 25 ppm titratable iodine); allow 1 minute of contact time, then drain. Rinsing is not required when used at or under 25 ppm.

Available in 125ml and 1000ml

Brewers Direct is proud to offer Io-Star sanitizer at a great price

Dimension (L x W x H) Not Available
Weight Not Available
Additives 125 ml, 1L