This site is in testing mode, please visit to place any orders.


  • All returns must be made within 30 days and there is a 20% restocking fee on all returns.
  • All items must be returned unused/unworn, in original product packaging, and with all paperwork, parts and accessories to ensure credit.
  • We cannot accept returns on any Final Sale Items.


  • If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, or simply decide you no longer want the goods, we offer a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee.  It must be in a NEW and UNUSED condition, complete with ALL PACKAGING in the state it was delivered.
  • If you wish to return goods for a refund, you must write to us by email at [email protected] within 7 working days of receiving the goods.  We must receive and confirm your return request, prior to you returning the goods.  Where a product meets the requirements of our return policy, we will refund the cost of the items.  However, shipping charges are non refundable.
  •  All shipments of GLASS PRODUCTS are not insured by shipping companies. Unfortunately, for this reason, BREWERS DIRECT WILL NOT BE LIABLE for any breakage and/or accept any returns on glass products.
  • Photo may be different from actual product. Please refer to product details for product specifications and inclusions.
  • Return postage costs are bearable by the customer.
  • Canada Post will return all packages to shipper when address of buyer is located in a ” dry community. ” Brewers Direct considers this a final sale and will not refund shipping and product costs. Please be aware if your community falls under this label. Do not proceed with order or do so at your own risk.