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Brew On Premises


BOP Bottle corker

Brew your own craft beer and vint wine right in our winery equipped facility! The Manitoba Liquor and Gaming Authority (LGA) recently announced that Brew on Premises is now allowed in Manitoba.

Also known as U-Vint, U-Brew and In-store Wine & Beer making, Brew on Premises has been allowed in all provinces (except Manitoba and Alberta) for as long as 20 years. Now Manitobans get to join in the fun!

If you’ve been to our Sargent Brewers Direct location you’ve noticed some pretty major changes in our store. We’ve expanded to add 1500 sq. ft. to house our new Brew on Premises facility. It features winery grade stainless steel equipment including a high tech automatic bottle washer and sterilizer which cleans 24 bottles in 90 seconds, automatic bottle fillers, automatic corkers, and a shrink cap heat system.

HOW does it work?

BOP Table 2

The process is simple and fun! A trained staff member will happily assist you!

  1. Drop in or make an appointment to Brew your very own craft beer or wine.
  2. Choose and pay for your wine or beer.
  3. Mix your purchased ingredients in the pail. You pitch (add) the yeast.
  4. To enhance the flavour of your wine or beer, we have many additives (oak, elderberries, banana chips etc). Our expert staff member can suggest how to tweak product.
  5. Leave the wine or beer to ferment in our facility. We will have your product ready as requested for bottling.
  6. We call you when your wine or beer is ready to bottle and schedule an appointment.
  7. Bottle Day: You will be able to sample your finished product. Then bottling begins! You bottle your wine and beer in our facility using our automatic equipment – Bottle Washers, Bottle Fillers and Corkers.
  8. We do the heavy lifting and clean up!

WHY Brew on Premises?

BOP Table

  • “I have no time!”
  • “I’m too busy with the kids!”
  • “My condo’s too small”
  • “I hate cleaning up the mess”
  • “I don’t have the proper equipment”
  • “I just don’t know how to do it!”
  • “The carboy is too heavy to lift”

WHEN can you start making wine & beer in our Brew on Premises?

BOP Bottle Washer

We are now OPEN and ready for you!  Come make some wine and beer!
