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About Brewers Direct

Brewers Direct has been in the winemaking industry since 1989. We are 100% Manitoba owned and have over 29 years of experience, quality and service in the wine and beer making industry. We sell both retail and wholesale across Canada and the United States. We currently have 4 locations in Manitoba – 3 in Winnipeg and one in Brandon. In total we have over 20,000 sq. ft. of retail space. That makes us one of Canada’s and North America’s largest home wine, beer and distillation suppliers.

As part of the Vintner’s Quality Alliance (VQA) that is committed to innovation, quality, selection, service, and the lowest prices, we are now affiliated with the top three winemaking manufacturers in the world. Due to our direct purchasing ability with these manufacturers, and in combination with our massive volume purchasing power, we are able to guarantee our motto of quality, service, price, and selection. We are constantly negotiating, researching, and testing new winemaking products , beer making products and distillation products to bring the best quality products to our customers at the lowest possible prices.

Brewers Direct is proud to offer our customers a better wine kit than our competitors. How? We are the only company in North America to offer a complete line of wine kits that are certified “GMO Free”. Every raw material, micro ingredient and add pack are certified “food grade” and “GMO Free”. We are proud to say no other company or manufacturer can make this claim.

At Brewers Direct, we carry over 200 styles of wine and 80 styles of beer and more than 300 liquor extracts– an outstanding choice of wine and beer for the home vintner and brewer. We have a wide range of additives and equipment needed to make beer and wine at home. To finish off your bottles, there are over 250 different labels and over 50 different shrink tops. To personalize your bottles for special occasions, we offer customized labels including your name and/or picture.

For the experienced beer maker, Brewers Direct carries a large selection of grains, hops, dry malt, and liquid malt extract. We also sell draft systems and parts as well as water distilling equipment and a large selection of liqueur extracts. We are the ‘Wine Specialists’ and look forward to serving you!