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Categories : Beer, Specials, Hops.

$3.95 - $39.95


Sold in 30gr ( 1oz ) or 480gr ( 1lbs ) bags

For the experienced beer maker, Brewers Direct now carries the following hops varieties:

CASCADE – Pleasant, flowery, spicy, and citrusy.  Can have a grapefruit flavor.  Typical beer styles: Pale Ale, IPA, porter, and barley wine.

CENTENNIAL – Medium with floral and citrus notes. Recommended for all ale styles, and has been used with wheat beer.

CLUSTER – Medium and quite spicy.  Recommended for ale and lager (good aroma for ale, good bittering for lager).

FUGGLE – Mild and pleasant, earthy and fruity.  Recommended for any English-style beer or American ale.

GOLDING – Mild, extremely pleasant and gently hoppy.  Recommended for pale ale, ESB, and all English-style beer.

HALLERTAUER – Very mild, pleasant, and slightly flowery, some spicy.  Best with lager, pilsner, bock and wheat.

MT. HOOD – Mild, pleasant and clean, somewhat pungent and resiny.  Recommended for lager, pilsner, bock and wheat.

NORTHERN BREWER – Medium-strong with some wild tones.  Recommended for ESB, bitter, English pale ale, porter, California (steam) beer.

NUGGET – Quite heavy and herbal.  Best for light lager.

SAAZ – Mild and pleasant, earthy and spicy.  Recommended for Pilsner, lager and wheat.

TETTNANGER – An aromatic hop, mild and slightly spicy.  Used in German ales and lagers, American lagers and wheat beers.

WILLAMETTE – Mild and pleasant, slightly spicy, fruity, floral, and a little earthy.  Recommended for pale ale, ESB, bitter, English-style ale, porter, and stout.

Mosaic - This is considered a dual purpose varietal hop with a peak in the aroma aspect. In the last 4 years its become very popular in North American craft brew industry.

Citra - This hop's main draw is a fruity citrus character unlike any other hop presently available.

Simcoe - This variety is known for its diversity and unique complexity along with a smooth bitterness due to its high alpha acid content and extremely low co-humulane content. This hop variety is often associated with IPAs, their stronger cousin double IPAs, and their newer siblings India Black Ale and India Red Ale.

Dimension (L x W x H) Not Available
Weight Not Available
Hops nugget 1lbs, cascade, citra 1lbs, simcoe, centennial 1lbs, mosaic, citra, willamette 1lbs, willamette, tettnang 1lbs, tettnang, simcoe 1lbs, saaz, saaz 1lbs, nugget, cascade 1lbs, northern brewer, northern brewer 1lbs, mount hood, mount hood 1lbs, hallertau, mosaic 1lbs, golding, hallertau 1lbs, fuggle, goldings 1lbs, cluster, fuggles 1lbs, centennial, cluster 1lbs